The son of a Scottish plantation owner and a free woman of colour, Andrew Watson was provided for by his wealthy father. Receiving a first-class education in English public schools, he would later reject university to become a footballer in Glasgow. Schooled by the most advanced practitioners of the game at that time, he became one of the best footballers in Glasgow and captained Scotland’s invincible national team.
He played for the greatest clubs of the day on both sides of the border and as a ‘Scottish professor’, brought his talent to England and shared his knowledge with the Southern amateurs, including the Corinthians, helping the game evolve from a public-school pastime to a national obsession. He played alongside and educated many who would represent the English national team, changing the game forever.
Over 100 years later, he was rediscovered in an old photograph, and after years of research, his achievements were finally recognised.
The book has already received glowing reviews. The FootyBlog describes it as fantastic... "The author is also fantastic in describing the early beginnings of football and what it was like during this era. He makes the formations, the events and styles of play accessible to the modern football fan. This is a fantastic resource detailing the life of a man that really helped shape the game along with his contemporaries."
A feature has also been published on FIFA's official website which can be read here.
You can purchase the book from all good bookshops, online stores and the publishers here.