We awoke on Sunday to find a very large tree had fallen from the railway embankment onto our clubhouse and changing rooms, causing as yet, unknown damage. We're working with Kingston Council along with Network Rail and of which engineers & specialists have been on site to assess. However, they’ve also identified & prioritised several other trees on the railway banking which could very easily uproot and demolishing the rest of our buildings.
Our current situation is the tree is still where it landed as it was too large and unstable to move, requiring heavy duty, specialist equipment to move it. The changing rooms, toilets, kit & equipment room and clubhouse have been cordoned off with no access until the engineers have assessed any potential structural damage and declared it safe for use.
Thank you to everyone who has sent us kind messages and we hope we can rectify this as soon as possible and get back playing matches. We're incredibly grateful this incident happened when we were closed - it could have been a very different story if the timing was different.